St. Peter's Parish Council of Catholic Women is an affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women. Under the Patronage of Our Lady of Good Council, our Mission is to support, empower and educate all Catholic Women in spirituality, leadership and service; to inspire and promote Gospel values in a constantly changing world and to contribute to the financial and social support of our parish.
Our meetings are held four times a year on the 4th Sunday of September, October, January and March after the 8 AM Mass. All women of the parish are automatically members and are invited to attend.
The Saint Peter Holy Name Society has been active in our parish for well over 50 years promoting the honor and glory of the name of Jesus Christ. We have Corporate Communions and recite the Rosary prior to the 8:00 Mass with breakfast meetings following Mass four times a year. We also recite the Rosary prior to funeral Masses for every man in our parish. We have various fund raising activities to help out the parish financially. We help with numerous PCCW (Parish Council of Catholic Women) fund raisers as well as help the parish with various maintenance projects. All men of the parish are automatically members (9th grade and older) and are welcome to attend our meetings and help with our functions. For more information on becoming involved with the Holy Name Society please contact the parish office.
Bonnie Martin is incharge of our parish archives.